• Matlagning med Maddy

    Indisk vegetarisk matlagning
    3 timmar - 1 190 kr
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  • Yunnan - Söder om molnen

    i en värld likt ingen annan
  • Yunnan

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Lär dig laga indiskt på riktigt med Maddy (Madhuri M. Pali). Matstudion i butiken Rot (fd Cajsa Warg) förvandlas på söndagarna till ett färgstarkt indiskt kök med dofter och smaker som förflyttar dig långt från Södermalm. Med inte fler än sex deltagare i gruppen är du garanterad att verkligen få laga maten från grunden och förstå teknikerna och smakerna som ger det fantastiska slutresultatet.

Denna kurs sker på engelska

Chole Bhature
Chole Bhature
Chole Bhature is one of the most tempting and flavorful dishes from authentic Punjabi Cuisine. The union of Chickpea Curry and Fried Flatbreads is known as Chole Bhature It is so inviting and rich, spicy and full of awesome flavors.
Masala Buttermilk (chaas)
Indian Masala Buttermilk (chaas)
Masala Chaas or spiced buttermilk is a refreshing Indian drink that is mildly spicy and tangy, usually served after meals to improve digestion. It is a Savory Yogurt Drink with Mint, cumin and ice cubes. Super popular as Indian Summer Beverage.
My Story

My Story

Maddy (Madhuri M. Pal) is an Indian chef who has won many hearts with her love for cooking and is considered as one of the Humble and passionate chefs in the culinary field. She began her journey in her grandma’s kitchen in Mumbai back in the year 2008 where she learnt about Indian spices, various ingredients, the traditional Indian cooking and its nutritional value. She was born in Mumbai to a Sindhi family and at an early age, she was inclined towards cooking which she pursued with great zeal. Her cooking experience is packed with 11 years of dedicated learning. In her free time, she conducts sessions for underprivileged & unemployed youth. Photography, travel, reading and fashion also comprise a big aspect of her life. Her Love for cooking tops the Priorities of her Heart. One of her favorite things about Indian food is its diversity. There are more than 30 regional cuisines in India, each with history up to 5,000 years old. The food consumed in different parts of India is shaped by many factors like geographical, seasonal, climatic etc. providing a varying array of ingredients for people to eat at different times of the year. Food is an expression of love, emotion and gratitude in Many cultures and people of India and the same have been incorporated into local cuisines. With numerous ingredients and spices, cooking has become so much fun and adds to the creative aspect of my life. An average Indian recipe has numerous ingredients, so many spices, herbs, ginger, garlic, chili, onions, tomatoes, vegetables turning it into a magical explosion of contrasting flavors and foods. Taste sensation aside, the diversity in Indian food serves as another confirmation of the enduring value of a “culinary system (with) a long history of health-centric dietary practices focused on disease prevention and promotion of health”. With her immense learning and skills, she has formulated a step by step system for you to make Cooking easier and joyful experience